About Us

The Bible People exists to encourage people to read the Bible. We believe that God's word is living and active and we've experienced how it penetrates our hearts and changes our lives. Our mission is to help make the Bible accessible and encourage others to join us as we read.                                                       

One of the ways we accomplish this mission is by presenting a number of 30 Day Bible Reading plans. Why 30 Days? Because month-long plans are easier to commit to. We've found that it's hard to get people to commit to reading the Bible through in a year. But ask them to commit to 30 Days, and it's a lot more accessible for everybody.      
Studies show that you are more likely to follow through on a reading plan if you read with a friend who will hold you accountable. We encourage you to benefit from one of the resources you find on our site or follow us for free through Facebook.

In full disclosure, we do financially benefit from many of them if you choose to buy. Do we get rich from them any of this? Um, no. But like any business and ministry we have rent to pay and families to feed. Any royalties or referrals earned from these purchases tend to be quite small, but they go toward keeping the lights on and the daily readings posted. We're glad if you click those links, but we're also happy if you don't. 

What we hope for most of all is that you continue your daily habit of reading God's word--that's what we're really all about.

Be a Bible People! Read the Word!


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