Tuesday, June 24, 2014

30 Scripture Readings Great Men of the Bible

30 Scripture Readings Great Men of the Bible (The Year Long  Bible Reading Series) $2.99 

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The Bible is a divine book. Yes, it delivers God’s message of hope and salvation. But it also records history—the creation of the world, the fall of man, the kings of old, and the birth of the church. And like all history, each of these stories is centered on people. 

This book captures 30 readings about the great men of the Bible. Their strengths can inspire us and their weakness can comfort us that we are not alone in our frailty.

These 30 passages here are reprinted in their entirety but without commentary in hopes that you will enjoy reflective, undistracted moments with God’s Word. Spend a few minutes each day with these readings and you’ll see how God has worked through the lives of the great heroes of the faith.


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