Tuesday, June 24, 2014

30 Scripture Readings on God's Amazing Power

30 Scripture Readings on God's Amazing Power (The Year Long Bible Reading Series) $2.99

Available for Kindle

Nothing can stand up to God’s strength—He is all powerful. No matter how difficult and stressful life is today, we know that we serve a God who has the power to face and overcome any situation. 

The Bible contains countless stories that tell about the power of God. Between its covers you’ll read how God raised the dead, accomplished the impossible, and changed hearts that once seemed impenetrable. 

In this book we’ve selected 30 scripture readings that will encapsulate the power of God as revealed through Scripture. As you read these narratives, you’ll find God’s power precisely revealed as both compassionate and commanding--and also our only saving grace. 

Invest a few minutes each day with this book individually, as a couple, or during family devotions. You’ll find that after a month, you’ve grown in your personal relationship with him and are further in awe of his almighty power.

These 30 passages are reprinted in their entirety but without commentary in hopes that you will enjoy reflective, undistracted moments with God’s Word.


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