Tuesday, June 24, 2014

30 Scripture Readings on Character and Integrity

30 Scripture Readings for New Christians (The Year Long Bible Reading Series) $2.99

Available for Kindle

We know that as sinful humans, we fall short of God’s glory. And though he freely forgives those who seek him, he still calls us to live righteous, blameless lives that emulate His character. 

This book captures 30 scripture readings that will help you understand the level of integrity to which God has called us to live. As you read these selections, you’ll find that God has equipped us with all of the tools and resources we need to live the ultimate Christ-like life.

After 30 days of investing time with this book, you’ll understand more about the righteousness of God, the integrity of Christ, and the Godly character that Christians should exhibit.

These 30 passages are reprinted in their entirety but without commentary in hopes that you will enjoy reflective, undistracted moments with God’s Word.


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